6. Student Assessment: The teacher maintains accurate records of student completion of assignments and student progress.  The teacher also plans for performance assessment and provides students with feedback to improve progress.

APPR Planning Sheet 2009-2010

Engrade Online Gradebook
Using engrade was a new method for recording and reporting grades in preparation of a district switch to digital gradebooks and a parent portal.

Summary of Progresss
Engrade was incorporated a few weeks into the school year after a trial period with another program that didn't work out.  Parents were introduced to the application during open house.  Students logged in for the first time around the same time.  Parents who provided email addresses were also emailed access information.  Students accessed their grades in the computer lab after testing.

The benefits of using an online gradebook are many.  There are practical benefits like not having to use a flashdrive and ship data between computers and the also more obvious benefits such as being able to have parents respond immediately when their child's grade slips. Students responded frequently to seeing missing work by completing and turning in work.  Parents and students alike would message me throughout the year.

A few things would improve the use of such a system.  First of all, getting more parents and students onboard would be wonderful.  There were about 4 students and 4 parents that checked and messaged in Engrade regularly.  Having login information distributed to all parents would be ideal.  Such things should happen as a parent portal becomes available in the future.  I would love to have students check their grades on Engrade once a week.  Unfortunately, getting into the lab to just check grades is a bother.  I try and have students check grades whenever we are in the lab though.

Samples of Gradebook, and Parent / Student Messages

Student Message

example of student message

Parent Message
example of parent message

List of Student and Parent Access
access by students and parents

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