Lesson Plan B


ETAP 526 Educational Computing

Tutor Module

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Your Name - Scott Beiter

Type of Lesson - Tutor

Lesson Plan Title – Structure of Matter

Discipline and Topic – Physical Science:  Atoms and Matter

Target Population –
Grade Level: 
Junior High (7-9)
Population Characteristics: 
small city school district, inclusion
Lesson Groupings: 
Whole class for establishing expectations and procedures. Students will be viewing an animated (shockwave) tutorial on the structure of atoms. Students then individually draw matter structures.

Curriculum Links – The concept of matter is introduced at the beginning of a unit on chemistry.  The concept of atoms can be introduced first, but is not necessary when learning the kinetic molecular theory.  Being able to conceptualize matter as being made up of tiny particles is vital in establishing an overall understanding of chemistry.  Students who have this conceptualization can better understand concepts of pressure, heat, temperature, mixtures, and density.

Objectives –

Students will be able to:

Define the kinetic molecular theory.
Describe the structure of matter as a solid, liquid, and gas.
Draw the structure of matter as a solid, liquid, and gas.

Media Literacy Objectives –
Prior to completion of Grade 8, students will:
1. Describe and illustrate a content-related concept or process using a model, simulation, or concept-mapping software. (1, 2)
3. Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making using digital tools and resources. (1, 4)

Materials and Timing – Lesson should be completed in one 45min class.  The tutorial can be completed at a computer lab with printer access.  There should be enough paper available for each student to print out evidence of lesson completion.
Web Page:

Scope and Sequence –

10 minutes:  Teacher begins lesson by reviewing prior knowledge of atoms if introduced.  Teacher can also start lesson by discussing the nature of matter with students by asking:

What is everything made of?

What does matter look like?
The teacher then tells students that they are to complete an animated tutorial, complete a worksheet, and then make models of a solid, liquid, and gas, using Microsoft Paint.
5 minutes:  Direct students to the website:  http://www.preparatorychemistry.com/Bishop_KMT_frames.htm

10 minutes:  Have students view Structure of Matter Animation while completing worksheet.

15 minutes:  Students are directed to Microsoft paint.   They are to make a molecular model of a solid, liquid, and gas.  Each state of matter needs to be labeled and then illustrated in color.

5 minutes:  Teacher leads a discussion on the structure of matter.  Students are asked to describe verbally the structure of a solid, liquid, and gas.

Supplemental Materials –

Worksheet 1

Sample of Student Model

matter example

Evaluation of Students – Student work will be assessed based on the rubric below.
Outstanding = 11 to 12 pts, Fair = 9 to 10, Poor = 8 and below
4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Computer Use
Remained on task and required minimal assistance. Remained on task with some prompting and assistance. Required almost constant reminders to stay on task and continued assistance. Required constant supervision and assistance.
Worksheet is complete with no errors. Worksheet is complete with few errors. Worksheet is mostly complete with few errors. Worksheet is incomplete.
Molecular Model
Model includes solid, liquid, and gas.  “Molecules” are in color.  States of Matter are labeled.  No errors. There is no color and/or solid, liquid, and gas aren’t labeled. Model is mostly complete with few errors. Model is incomplete.

Evaluation of the Lesson –

A closure activity is to be performed at the end of class.  The teacher should get immediate feedback from students when discussing the lesson at the end of class.  If students are unable to verbally describe the kinetic molecular theory and how it relates to states of matter, then other activities must be presented to increase student understanding.

Review of lesson materials including the worksheet and models will also reveal student understanding.  The teacher must be careful not to confuse, however, lack of student expertise with a computer with student understanding.  To reduce this possible problem, students should be already proficient at using the computer (Paint), or provided additional time to adequately demonstrate understanding.

A quiz should also be given soon after the lesson.  Students need to be able to describe each state of matter: solid, liquid, and gas, in their own words and represent them with a model.  The work sheet, if completed accurately, can serve as a study guide for summative assessments.

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