4/26/08 ETAP 526 Education
Computer WebQuest
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Your NAME: Scott Beiter |
Type of Lesson: WebQuest |
Lesson Plan Title: Going Green |
Discipline and Topic – Physical
Science: Energy |
Population – Grade Level: Junior High (7-9) Population Characteristics: small city school district, inclusion Lesson Groupings: Students will choose with energy source they wish to research. They will then be placed in groups by the teacher so that each group has someone for each energy source. |
Links –
webquest will
serve as a
final project for a unit on energy and electricity.
Students should already be familiar with what
electricity is and its importance.
Students should also be knowledgeable in energy
and how
electricity is generated. |
– Students will be able to…. State the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources. Explain what being "green" is in their own words. Collaborate with peers to produce a research presentation using google docs/presenter. |
Literacy Objectives – 4. Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations (e.g., environmental probes, graphing calculators, exploratory environments, Web tools) to support learning and research. (3, 5) 5. Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum. (3, 6) 7. Collaborate with peers, experts, and others using telecommunications and collaborative tools to investigate curriculum-related problems, issues, and information, and to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5) 8. Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems. (5, 6) |
Materials and Timing – The webquest will take a total of 6 days. Each student needs access to a computer with internet access. Students also need usernames and passwords to Google in order to use googledocs collaboratively. |
and Sequence –
1 –
begins in the computer lab. The teacher
writes down each of the energy sources on the board:
solar, hydroelectric, wind, biomass,
geothermal. The students are then asked
which energy source they’d like to research and the teacher writes
their name
under each topic. Students are then
grouped by the teacher so each group has each of one energy sources. Students are then directed to the WebQuest
site to begin work. Day
2 –
work on the background information section of the webquest completing
worksheet. Day
3 –
discuss as a group which energy source might be the best for their city. Day
4 –
access Google Documents and begin working on their slide presentation. Day
5 –
finish their slide presentations and begin presentations to the city
council. |
Materials –
Green! |
of Students –
of the
Lesson – The
presentation at the end is the
culminating event of the project. The
response of the group to the questions of the city council will
demonstrate how
deeply the students understand the topic. Questions can be
planted in the mock Council, such as: What are the
advantages/disadvanteges of "energy source"?
Table of Contents | WebQuest Page |